Call us at 865.546.0452 or 877.646.6226 to order a D&B credit report today.
When D&B is the right choice for you but you are not sure that a large contract makes sense, or what D&B level is what you need, NACM East Tennessee can provide reports at a deep discount over a direct purchase through the web or by telephone. We’ll help you choose the right D&B product at the right price for your specific need.
Low Risk Decisions: Credit Check Report
A snapshot of a business to review their payment and public filings summaries, business history & operations and special events.
Low-Medium Risk Decisions: D&B Payment Profile Report
In this report you’ll get in-depth historical analysis of a business’ payment habits as reported to D&B, and information on how a company pays its bills compared to other firms in the same industry. This report contains Executive summary, D&B Paydex, Public Records, Credit Limit Recommendations, Paydex Yearly Trend, Payment Habits, Payment Summary and Detailed Payment History.
Medium Risk Decisions: D&B Commercial Credit Scoring Report®
Estimate a company’s future payment performance. This report predicts the likelihood that a company will become severely delinquent in payment (90 days past terms) over the next 12 months; includes comparisons to other companies.
Medium-High Risk Decisions: D&B Business Information Report®
Get extensive background information on a company. This easy-to-read format provides everything from basic information to payment experiences, corporate structure, financial strength and suits, liens and judgments (when available to D&B).
High Risk Decisions: D&B Comprehensive Report®
This report combines features from all of the above reports. The best report for large exposure. Provides informative, in-depth evaluation of a company’s financial stability. Easy-to-read and provides data helpful in predicting financial stress.